on writing

I have expressed myself with the written word ever since I was five or six years old. I’ve kept journals. I’ve written terrible poetry. I’ve done it all over the years. Now, I feel I have a style that’s distinct enough. While I want to write more stories and books down the line, currently, I’m focusing on narrative prose in the form of smaller vignettes. I post them on my Instagram account, and I also publish them on journal.coffee.

journal.coffee is a collection of unabridged, unedited, and unapologetic public journal entries about life, people, society and everything in between.

journal.coffee is the one-stop-shop for all my writing, including these vignettes dubbed bookmarks and long-form journal entries about one idea or concept. These are rarer than bookmarks and are posted sparingly. While I won’t go into the depth of what journal.coffee contains, I’ll urge you to check it out.

I’ve made it to feel like the perfect reading experience without any distractions.